World volleyball growth –
Russian volleyball history
By the middle of the 20th century, volleyball was already being played worldwide.
In its early days, the game of volleyball achieved wide acceptance thanks to the support and dissemination of the YMCA association, encouraged by two professional schools of physical education: Springfield College and George Williams College.
In the early 1900s, Canada was the first foreign country to adopt the game as a sport practiced in various institutions. It was soon followed by Japan (1908) and the Philippines (1910), where it was included in the program of the first Far Eastern Games in 1913. Thus began its worldwide expansion.
In 1914 he was included in the education and recreation program of the armed forces of North America. In 1916 the YMCA managed to get the powerful NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) to contribute to the rapid spread of volleyball among university students in the United States by publishing a series of articles on its regulations.
There it was announced, for example, that the number of players per team was limited to six, and later, in 1922, the number of touches of the ball per play was limited to three. However, until the early 1930s, volleyball was a game of leisure and recreation, with few competitive presentations worldwide and regulations that varied depending on the country where it was played.
In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was created in France. This world body is responsible for regulating the rules at the competitive level and holding meetings regularly.
At the Olympic Games in Paris in 1924, traditional volleyball was first played as a demonstration sport. But only in 1964 did it become part of the Olympic specialties at the meeting held in Tokyo.
Today volleyball is one of the most popular sports practiced worldwide, with competitions such as the FIVB World Championship, the FIVB World League, the FIVB World Grand Prix, and the Olympic Games. It is a competitive sport of high physical and technical performance that presents some officially accepted variants:
Beach volleyball. It is played on the sand, and since 1996, it has been part of the Olympic disciplines, starting with the meeting held in Atlanta, which had a stadium built primarily on the beach.
I am sitting volleyball. It is practiced especially among sports for people with disabilities, and in 1980, it was incorporated into the Paralympic Games.
Game rules
history of a volleyball court
The playing area is a rectangle 18 meters long divided by the net.
Among the basic rules of volleyball are:
The score. The best score of five rounds of play, also called “sets,” is disputed. The team that accumulates three won sets will be the champion, for which it must reach twenty-five points in each set and with an advantage of two points over the opponent (for example, twenty-five against twenty-three points). If the teams score twenty-five against twenty-four, they must play until they achieve a difference of two points. This is why the duration of volleyball matches varies so much.
The serve. The action begins each game; it is carried out with the player located behind the bottom line and the rest of the team on the field limits. If a player serves and the opponent fails to save the ball, he scores a point for his team. If the service is unsuccessful (touches the net, falls into its court, or goes outside the area), the turn to serve passes to the opponent.
Play area. It is delimited by a rectangle eighteen meters long and nine meters wide and is divided in the center by a net that separates the two playing areas. The designation of the fields for each team is drawn before the match, and in each new set, the areas are exchanged.
Attack zone. The central line under the net divides the field of play into two equal zones, nine meters by nine meters each. Three meters away from the main line, another line delimits the attack zone for each area, where the players’ actions are limited.
The net. It is located in the center of the playing field at a height of 2.43 cm for the male category and 2.24 cm for the female type. If the ball touches the net, it is not considered a foul, and as it rebounds, you can continue with the play.